Inappropriate behaviour
Inappropriate behaviour
The vast majority people deal with the CHC staff in a respectful and dignified manner. A very small number of people however do not and therefore the BOM has approved this policy to enable our CHC staff to operate in a safe and pleasant workplace.
Verbal abuse in person
1.1.The person concerned will be asked politely to lower his voice and if the abuse ceases no further action will be taken. If the verbal abuse continues a second warning will be issued and the person warned that they must stop the abuse or they will be asked to leave the premises.
1.2. If the abuse ceases following a second warning the CHC staff will continue to serve the person but a letter will be sent to the person stating that his behaviour was inappropriate and that we would like an apology, and warning the person that if it occurs again the person will not be allowed into the office or allowed contact with the office via telephone. They will be able to contact the office by mail, email or facsimile. The President is to be notified by email of the event.
1.3. If the abuse does not cease following a second warning the person will be instructed to leave the premises immediately. Should the person leave the premises a letter is to be sent to the person stating that his behaviour was inappropriate and that we would like an apology and warning the person that if it occurs again the person will not be allowed into the office or allowed contact with the office via telephone. They will be able to contact the office but mail, email or facsimile. The President is to be notified by email of the event.
1.4. If the person the does not leave the premises as requested, the office will contact security or Victoria Police to have the person removed from the premises. A letter will be sent to the person stating that his behaviour was inappropriate and that we would like an apology, and warning the person that if it occurs again the person will not be allowed into the office or allowed contact with the office via telephone. They will be able to contact the office but mail, email or facsimile. The President is to be notified by phone and then email of the event. If the President is unavailable, the office must notify one of the Vice Presidents.
Verbal Abuse over the Telephone
2.1. The person concerned will be asked politely to lower his voice and if the abuse ceases no further action will be taken. If the verbal abuse continues a second warning will be issued and the person warned that the telephone call will be terminated.
2.2. If the abuse ceases following a second warning the CHC staff will continue to serve the person but a letter will be sent to the person stating that his behaviour was inappropriate and that we would like an apology, and warning the person that if it occurs again the person will not be allowed into the office or allowed contact with the office via telephone. They will be able to contact the office but mail, email or facsimile. The President is to be notified by email of the event
2.3. If the abuse does not cease following a second warning the person will be informed that their behaviour is inappropriate and the conversation is being terminated and that the office will not receive there calls until the next working day. The phone call is then immediately to be terminated. A letter is to be sent to the person stating that his behaviour was inappropriate and that we would like an apology, and warning them that if it occurs again the person will not be allowed into the office or allowed contact with the office via telephone. They will be able to contact the office but mail, email or facsimile. The President is to be notified by email of the event.
Verbal Abuse of CHC staff
3.1. Second Offence by Telephone
3.1.1. Should the person who having previously been issued with a written warning for verbal abuse (either in person or over the telephone), verbally abuse the CHC staff by telephone on a second occasion then the CHC staff are to advise the person that the conversation will be terminated and that they will no longer serve the person in person or over the telephone. The phone call is to be terminated. The President is to be notified by phone and email and he will then write to the member advising them that they do not have access to the CHC staff by telephone or in person and that contact can only be made via mail, email or facsimile. If the President is unavailable, the office must notify one of the Vice Presidents.
3.2. Second Offence in Person
3.2.1. Should the person, who having previously been issued with a written warning for verbal abuse (either in person or over the telephone), verbally abuse the CHC staff in person on a second occasion then the CHC staff are to advise the person that they are to immediately leave the premises. If the person the does not leave the premises as requested, the office will contact security or Victoria Police to have the person removed from the premises. The President is to be notified by phone and email and he will then write to the member advising them that they do not have access to the CHC staff by telephone or in person and that contact can only be made via mail, email or facsimile. If the President is unavailable, the office must notify one of the Vice Presidents.
Physical Abuse of Staff in the Office
4.1. Physical abuse of the CHC staff is unacceptable. Any person who physically abuses the CHC staff will be immediately asked to leave the premises. If the person the does not leave the premises as requested, the office will contact security or Victoria Police to have the person removed from the premises.
4.2. The president is to be notified by phone and email. If the President is unavailable, the office must notify one of the Vice Presidents. The President will then write to the member advising them that they do not have access to the CHC staff by telephone or in person and that contact can only be made via mail, email or facsimile.
4.3. Should the abuse be of a serious nature by a member, we will refer the matter to the CHC Grievance committee where the person may be removed from the membership of Caulfield Hebrew Congregation Inc in accordance with the constitution.
4.4. Caulfield Hebrew Congregation Inc will support the decision of whether to report of the matter to Victoria Police by the staff member involved.
Documentation and Confirmation
5.1. In all cases of verbal abuse the staff member involved should notify another member of staff, if possible
5.2. All incidents are to be recorded on the appropriate form and are to be filed in the office.
Mon, 31 March 2025
2 Nisan 5785
Friday 28 March 2025 / 28 Adar 5785
Shacharit 7am & 8am
6:20pm L'chaim
6:30pm Mincha
6:40pm Kabbalat Shabbat
6:09 Earliest Candle Lighting
7:01pm Standard Candle Lighting
Shabbat 29 March 2025 / 29 Adar 5785- Parashat Pekudei / Parashat Hachodesh / Shabbat Mevarchim
8:45am Midrash Shiur
9:15am Shacharit
Say Shema by 10:25am
6:45pm Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit- Speaker Adam Segal
7:57pm Shabbat ends / Maariv
Sunday - Friday 30 March - 4 April 2025 / 1-6 Nisan 5785
8:00am Sun - Rosh Chodesh Nisan
6:45am & 8am Mon / Thu
7:00am & 8:00am Tues / Wed / Fri
Minchah / Maariv
5:45pm Sun - Thurs
Office Hours
Monday to Thursday
10:00am - 4:00pm
Friday and erev Yom Tov
10:00am - 2:00pm
Caulfield Shule
572 Inkerman Road, Caulfield North, 3161
Ph: 95259492
Caulfield Shule is a proud Zionist organisation
Caulfield Shule acknowledges that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the First Peoples of Australia, and that the Bunurong people of the Kulin nation are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our synagogue is located. We pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.
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